-Perquisite of an Educator
This fortune came in my life by my lovely students. On the occasion of Teacher's Day, they had given me as a token of thanks.
The bond of an Educator and Learner is never ending. I believe that the process of learning starts from the day we born...
Working with students makes you feel young, vibrant, and give energy to learn new things. It realizes me of the beautiful word in Hindi dictionary as "MANOHAR"...
This gift is now not just a plant for me. It is Manohar Ji, a member of my home. I always keep him near my worktable. Whenever, I feel tired of my work. I just make a gaze and I feel refreshing again. The returns of "MANOHAR" is unmeasurable and cannot be described in words.
It's said a child heals you by a smile, a healing of your mind through a beautiful gesture. Isn't it the fact that working with students, as an educator, we are filled with their youthful energy.
I am thankful to my students for bringing "MANOHAR" as an appreciation for my contribution in their life.
I wish all of you keep one "MANOHAR" near you to keep yourself filled with their good energies.
With this note I am signing off....